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Digital Network

BETTER DATING - One Day Seminar

The content of this seminar is suited for singles who are not dating, or non-married couples who are dating. We want to prepare you to have confidence and be armed with practical advice on how to have a healthy relationship and avoid common pitfalls. Consider it ‘preventive care’ for your (future) relationship, whether it’s started yet or not. 

It is not weird to come by yourself to the Better Dating seminar. If your boyfriend/girlfriend isn’t able to make it, that’s ok. There will be a mixed audience and you’re welcome to join us alone, with a friend or a date. Each person needs their own ticket, and will receive their own materials. We will make everyone feel welcomed!


This seminar is for anyone 18 years or older.

We’d love to see you at our next seminar...

Thanks for registering. See you there!

Girl Watching Sunset
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