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Love Message


The Bible says that two are better than one. Couples will need to attend this event together. This couples seminar is intended to facilitate discussion and teach practical tools for engaged and/or seriously dating couples, as well as introduce and pair you with a mentor couple that will meet with you 3-5 times over the course of the following months.


This event is for seriously dating couples as well as engaged couples.


The workshop  is hosted by a seasoned married couple and the teaching is from Les and Leslie Parrott’s Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts.  The format alternates between multiple 10-15 minute teaching sessions on various relationship topics followed by an opportunity to discuss and unpack the content together as a couple. 

We’d love to see you at our next seminar...

Thanks for registering. See you there!

In-Home Consultation

You will have lunch with your marriage mentor couple and the day ends with answering questions that have been generated by participants anonymously through the day.  There is not much in the way of group work or interaction between couples.

How does the marriage mentoring program work?


As a part of Two Becoming One you will take the relationship assessment and will be paired with a married couple to review the assessment.  Our marriage mentor couples are not counselors or therapists, but they have been well trained and successfully married for a number of years.  You will meet with them 3-5 times.  Our couples find this part of Two Becoming One to be super helpful and impactful.

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